Fit for Purpose Plans that grow with your Business

Only Pay for what you need


Great Packages to suit your needs

RM 600

per month

   Up to 5 users
   Up to 10 GB of Storage
  Unlimited Email Support
  Access to general User Manual

  Success Pack of 50 Hours is highly recommended
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RM 2500     

per month

   Up to 25 users
   Up to 100 GB of Storage
  Unlimited Email and WhatsApp Support
  Access to general User Manual

  Success Pack of 100 Hours is highly recommended

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   Unlimited users
  Unlimited Storage
   Priority Support
  Dedicated User Manual

  Full Consulting Services

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Terms of service


While we strongly believe that our prices are at par within the industry, we reserve the rights to change our prices depending on the current market situations.

Number of Users:

we are quite flexible on the number of users and you can take advantage of that. As opposed to paying individual licences, we provision for tier level where we set the upper limit in consideration of the overhead cost of certain number of users which would be otherwise unlimited for all packages. However should you reach the limit of users for your package, we offer you the option of purchasing additional user license for a minimal fee.

Enhancements and Feature Requests:

Enhancements are those that are customized as per individual client's requirement and feature request would be more generic functionality that can be globally applied or shared by multiple or all clients. Enhancements are paid for at SME package and is part of the Enterprise package. However, we do not offer such for startup package as it would defeat the purpose of being standard and out of the box solution. 

Feature Requests on the other hand are those more universally applicable functionalities which we would periodically develop and release on our specified timeline. Such features are taken from the industry or existing clients to better serve our committing as a whole. This is free service but is not committing in terms of scope and timeline.

Implementation Timeline:

suggested timeline is only approximation and are subject to the customer commitment & requirements

Data Migration:

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept electronic bank transfers.

How easy it is to initiate and setup the system?

Out apps are ready to use, just log in and key in your data. For initial setup, there are facilities to mass upload your data and there are easy to follow steps you can refer to.

Can I cancel my subscription plan?

Unfortunately, we do not consider any pre-termination of subscription as we do this on annual terms. We do however provide you with free trial period where you can test out the system before you commit to subscribe. Should you wish to terminate, that would be effective on the following year. Please note that we will renew the subscription by default and we would require a formal request of non renewal before the end of subscription cycle.

Can I upgrade my plan?

Yes you may upgrade anytime. Your account will be adjusted accordingly and you will be billed for the difference.

Are my data and transaction safe and secured?

Cloud solutions nowadays are well embraced even by large enterprises. Cyber security is getting more and more advance and our services are with the highest standards when it comes to your data security.

What are the benefits of having a cloud solution over a traditional on-premise?

Cloud solutions give you the flexibility and scalability. It also gives you the freedom to set and forget the virtual infrastructure whereby a team of experts such as us manage these services for you. Gone are the days where you have to hassle yourself with physical servers and make the ever complicated journey of setting up your machines and networks.

What hardware do I need to use the system?

You use your existing devices, your computers, tablets, or even your smart phones. All you need is an internet connection and an internet browser and you are good to go.

Do I need to install anything?

No need to install anything. Once we set up your environment, all you have to do is log in.

Can I run the system through my mobile phone?

The interface is adaptive to your screen whether you are using your laptop or your mobile phone, that doesn't matter.

What is Success Pack?

Success Pack is the billable hours that our qualified consultants spend to walk with you throughout your initial journey towards digitization. We have preset the recommended hours based on package complexity which is bundled with your subscription as a one time fee.